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The Effect of Surprise on Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Status Consumption
The Effect of Surprise on Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Status Consumption
作者 Yahui Hsu (Yahui Hsu)Wen-Chang Fang (Wen-Chang Fang)Wang-Yun Tseng (Wang-Yun Tseng)
This study focused on the moderating role of different levels of status consumption on surprise (independent variable) and customer satisfaction (dependent variable). Two types of products – utilitarian and hedonic – were introduced unexpectedly to elicit surprise from participants. Three control variables were included: age, pre-consumption mood, and attitude toward the product. The experiment was manipulated with hypothetical scenarios in a 2 × 2 factorial design in a hotel setting. The sample population comprised 184 executive MBA students in northern Taiwan. Data from 176 of the participants were analyzed using the ANCOVA method. The results indicated that both utilitarian and hedonic products, given as a surprise, were effective in satisfying customers. The results showed, however, that customers with high levels of status consumption preferred hedonic products, whereas customers with low levels of status consumption preferred utilitarian products.
起訖頁 199-232
關鍵詞 Surprisestatus consumptionsatisfaction
刊名 International Journal of Business and Information  
期數 201606 (11:2期)
出版單位 International Business Academics Consortium
該期刊-上一篇 Predicting Online Buying Behavior Among Indian Shoppers Using a Neural Network Technique
該期刊-下一篇 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Globalization – An Example Using Asian Consumers




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