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A Study of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program as an Intervention among Dementia Family Caregivers
作者 林蕙君鄭淑子曾秀雲 (Hsiu-Yun Tseng)
鑑於失智症各階段病徵多樣,經年累月之照顧壓力影響失智症家庭照顧者身心健 康狀況。經國外實證研究證明「正念減壓」可有效作為改善失智症家庭照顧者身心健 康之介入措施。本研究目的有二:一、瞭解正念減壓方案介入前、中、後,失智症家 庭照顧者照顧壓力變化情形;二、瞭解正念減壓方案介入前、中、後,失智症家庭照 顧者身心健康變化情形,以建立本土實證資料,作為後續促進家庭照顧者身心健康之 參考。本研究採「單一組前、中、後測設計」,研究對象為失智症家庭照顧者共 20 名。 方案介入後,參與者之照顧壓力低於前測值,雖未達顯著變化,但高達 95%之照顧者 同意正念減壓方案可協助面對照顧壓力。家庭照顧者之身心健康狀況隨著方案執行期 間逐漸變佳,方案介入前後,健康滿意及身心健康狀況測量值之正向變化達統計上顯 著效果。故,建議可應用於家屬支持團體之內容規劃,以期達到促進照顧者之身心健 康之目標。
The clinical symptoms of dementia vary; individuals with dementia may show behavioral and psychological symptoms which demand long-term caregiving and could cause the rising of possible adverse health effects on dementia family caregivers. Recent extant empirical studies showed that 'Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction' (MBSR) program is an effective intervention for improving the health outcomes of dementia family caregivers. However there is not yet any related study in Taiwan. In order to establish the empirical data for Taiwanese dementia caregivers, the aim of the present study was twofold: (a) to understand the change of dementia family caregivers' stress outcomes as a result of intervention; (b) to examine the change of dementia family caregivers' health outcomes as a result of intervention. The research recruited family caregivers (n=20) to participate in an 8-week MBSR program. A self-report questionnaire was administered pre and post-intervention and in-depth interviews were conducted after the interventions. The results show that 80% of the participants were female; 50% of the participants were daughters; 85% of the individuals with dementia need more than one person to provide caregiving. Although the change in stress is not significant, 95% of participants agree that the MBSR program helped them cope with the current care stress. Significant change are found the in the outcome of health (p=0.002). Participants reported feeling more relaxed, rested, and cheerful; the physical health and interpersonal communication skill are improved. MBSR program is therefore suggested for dementia caregiver support groups for the purpose of health promotion.
起訖頁 133-148
關鍵詞 失智症家庭照顧者身心健康介入方案正念減壓dementiafamily caregiverhealthinterventionmindfulness-based stress reduction(MBSR)
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201709 (21:2期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 失智症長者入住專門照顧機構後其主要照顧者與機構工作人員的照顧關係──以主要照顧者觀點分析之
該期刊-下一篇 高齡與非高齡家庭照顧者之照顧現況與需求比較




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