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Embodied Cognition: A New Perspective on the Construction and Application of Cyber Learning Space
作者 楊玉寶謝亮
In recent years, the emergence of embodied cognitive research has provided a new perspective for the construction and application of cyber learning space. Cognition, body and environment are three inseparable and integrated elements. In view of the current cyber learning space research in the understanding of its connotation is not uniform, unembodied cyber space is the main part, the lack of emotional support. From a cognitive perspective to examine the cyber learning space requirements, reconstructing cyber learning space frame structure , creating embodied cyber learning space and construct “cognitive-body-space” integrated learning mode of participation, to promote the integration of cyber learning space and teaching depth. Finally, taking the online learning space of Guangzhou municipal universities as an example, from the perspective of improving learners’ participation, the data of learning participation were sent out to teachers acquired by the platform, and teaching suggestions were given to remind teachers to provide targeted instruction for students.
起訖頁 120-126
關鍵詞 具身认知网络学习空间学习参与情感参与Embodied CognitionCyber Learning SpaceLearning ParticipationEmotional Participation
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201802 (373期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 教师课程资源理念引领的 “一师一课”活动优化发展策略
該期刊-下一篇 “基于融合理念创新课堂教学”混合研训模式构建




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