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A study of campus life in the School of Home Economics for Girls in Chiayiduring the Japanese Colonial Period
作者 蔡元隆黃雅芳
The article aims to enquire into the understanding of the founding history, microhistorical facts and events of the School of Home Economics for Girls in Chiayiduring the Japanese colonial periodand of its activities in particular at the late stage of that time. It does so by oral history interviewing four Taiwanese or Japanese alumnae who had attended the school during the time. In addition we analyze the materials form newspapers, magazines and books of that time like Taiwan NichinichiShimpo or Taiwan Patriotic Women Shimpo etc. Drawing on this the article arrives at the following conclusions. First, we clarify the founding and name-giving history of the school. Second, we give a chronological account of locations of the school. Third, we investigate the curriculum planning in general and the interaction between teachers and students of the school. Fourth, we describe the microhistorical events in the school during the late Japaneseperiod, such as the founding of Patriotic Girls Group which was commissioned to console the bereaved and, theory with practice combined, to help with home repairs and environmental remediation in the village. Finally, we explicate and represent the school’s experiences, in particular in its environmental awareness of energy saving and recycling from which the profits were spent on defence or for the fire drills for American bombing.
起訖頁 105-140
關鍵詞 日治時期臺灣教育實業補習學校嘉義家政女學校校園生活Taiwanese education during Japanese colonial periodvocational supplementary schoolsSchools of Home Economics for Girls inChiayicampus life in the school
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201706 (38期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 翻轉教室學習模式下自我效能、內在價值及測試焦慮與學習成就之交互影響:以微積分課程為例
該期刊-下一篇 三種教學策略下國小學童創造力表現之研究




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