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The Development of Mathematical Epistemological Beliefs Scale of Elementary School Teachers and Its Reliability and Validity Evaluation |
作者 |
凃金堂 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在發展適用國小教師的數學知識信念量表(Mathematical Epistemological Beliefs Scale, MEBS),並檢驗該量表之信效度。本研究分預試與正式施測兩階段,兩階段皆採分層抽樣方式, 各抽取國小教師251 人與439 人。透過探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,皆獲得四個因素:簡 單知識、確定知識、知識來源、識知辯證,13 題的總量表Cronbach’s α 係數為 .80,顯示本量表 具有適切的信度。本研究更進一步進行測量不變性考驗,考驗結果發現數學知識信念量表對不同 性別國小教師具測量不變性,顯示本研究發展的數學知識信念量表具良好建構效度。 |
英文摘要 |
This study aims at developing the Mathematical Epistemological Beliefs Scale (MEBS) suitable for elementary school teachers by evaluating its reliability and validity. The analysis consisted of two phases: pre-test and test. Both phases adopted stratified sampling method with elementary teachers of 251for the pre-test and 439 for the test respectively. Through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, four factors were found: simplicity of knowledge, certainty of knowledge, source of knowledge, and justification of knowledge. The internal consistency of the Cronbach's alpha of the MEBS was .80 for the total score of the 13 test items, which shows the high degree of reliability of the MEBS. This study further investigated the measurement invariance of the test. The results indicated that the same construct is being measured across different genders of the elementary school teachers, which confirmed high level of construct validity of the MEBS. |
起訖頁 |
295-320 |
關鍵詞 |
測量不變性、數學知識信念、驗證性因素分析、Confirmatory factor analysis、Mathematical epistemological beliefs、Measurement invariance |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
201712 (49:2期) |
出版單位 |
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