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Measures to Reduce Expenditure for In-hospital Antibiotics:a Regional Hospital Policy
作者 張進祿張國寬戴芳楟
To determine measures to reduce the expenditure on antibiotics administered to hospital inpatients. Methods: In October 2007, we implemented 2 steps to reduce the expenditure on antibiotics administered during hospitalization. First, we developed a protocol to educate clinicians about the use of alternative cost-effective antibiotics with an equivalent spectrum and instructed them on the appropriate time for using such antibiotics. Subsequently, we replaced expensive antibiotics with cheaper alternatives with similar efficacy and activity. These include cefmetazole, isepamicin, flomoxef, and piperacillin-tazobactam. Results: Within 14 months of the implementation of these measures, the mean expenses incurred per month for antibiotics administered to hospital inpatients reduced from 5,895,172 NT dollars (52.8% of the expenses on drugs administered to hospital inpatients) to 4,917,244 NT dollars (48.4% of the expenses on drugs administered to hospital inpatients). Conclusion: This study highlights the effective measures that can be implemented in hospitals to reduce the expenses incurred on antibiotics administered to hospital inpatients.
起訖頁 79-91
關鍵詞 抗生素管理藥費住院Antibiotics managementcostshospitalization
刊名 感染控制雜誌  
期數 201004 (20:2期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣感染管制學會
該期刊-上一篇 Acinetobacter baumannii 污染洗澡水所引起之燒傷中心群突發事件處理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 導入洗手衛教以提昇社區民眾洗手知識、技術及行為之成效




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