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Writing Biographies of Women:The Study of Chou Fa-Kao's Liu Ru Shi Shi Kao and Chen Yin-Ke's Liu Ru Shi Bie Chuan
作者 廖美玉
Professor Chou Fa-Kao compiled a lot of texts and information to author three of his works Zu Ben Qian Ceng Mu Zhai Shi Zhu, Qian Mu Zhai Liu Ru Shi Yi Shi Ji Liu Ru Shi You Guan Zi Liao and Mu Zhai Shi Zhu Jiao Jian. He further wrote Liu Ru Shi Shi Kao based on these preceding studies. Chou Fa-Kao mentioned in the preface of Liu Ru Shi Shi Kao that Chen Yin-Ke, who studied the life story Chen Dung-Shen (the author of the article 'Lun Zai Sheng Yuan') and then wrote a biography for Liu Ru-Shi, did have his special intention in doing so. Chen Yin-Ke put his efforts on finishing the writing of Liu Ru Shi Bie Chuan. However, Chen's work was considered impossible to be published in Mainland China due to the political situation of the country at that time. Therefore, Chou Fa-Kao intended to have his Liu Ru Shi Shi Kao to be a remedy to the regretful situation of Chen Yin-Ke's Liu Ru Shi Bie Chuan. It is a special phenomenon that Chou and Chen, a historian and the other a philologist, both put their efforts on investigating and compiling the biography of a female. They disserted how women without power had their great influences on history. Both Chen's and Chou's writing share with us their sense of belonging acquired from devoting themselves to academic scholarship.
起訖頁 105-131
關鍵詞 柳如是女性傳記自由思想學術精神Liu Ru-ShiBiography writing on womenLibertyAcademic spirit
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201412 (28期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 周法高先生聲韻學研究之成就--以重紐為例
該期刊-下一篇 甲骨文第一人稱代詞綜述




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