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當代台灣新編京劇的陰性書寫 與性別對話
Écriture féminine and Gender Dialogue in Contemporary Beijing Opera
作者 高禎臨
In traditional Beijing opera aesthetic standards and sentiment have long been based on the perspective of men, such that women play a passive and subsidiary role, with their sentiments being expressed through male characters. The dearth of female voices in traditional Chinese drama has given rise to a number of questions: Just what were the sentiments and views of Chinese women in past ages? How can traditional drama be reinterpreted in such a way as to make it more accessible and acceptable to modern audiences?In recent years a number of Beijing operas giving explicit expression to the views and sentiments of women have been produced in Taiwan. In addition to attempting to recover the long-absent voice of women, such productions strive to relax the gender-opposition typical of traditional Chinese drama, enriching the dramatic themes by using the feminine perspective to deconstruct the original symbolic order of the text. Such productions can be seen as a type of “Écriture féminine." In subverting the precise and rigid conventions of traditional Chinese drama, these innovative productions create a variety of connotations by employing a wide range of literary devices, including subversion, parody, deconstruction, and abandonment.This paper examines a number of the experimental Beijing operas produced in recent years by the Guoguang Opera Company. An analysis is made of the narrative style and aesthetic content used in these productions to create an open-minded and fluid space for engaging in gender dialogue.
起訖頁 199-234
關鍵詞 代戲曲陰性書寫性別對話Contemporary Beijing OperaÉcriture feminineGender Dialogue
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 萬曆年間曹學佺在金陵詩社的活動與意義
該期刊-下一篇 臺北意象與諷刺美學:探索疾病書寫中的人文價值




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