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論“十七年文學”中配合政治的幾種模式 --《中國現當代文學史與思想史的關聯性》論綱(之一)
Modes Supporting Politics in the “Seventeen-Year Literature”(A Chapter from Relationship between History of Contemporary Chinese Literature and History of Contemporary Chinese Thought)
作者 丁帆
1949 年是中國大陸當代文學的重要轉型節點。在此後“頌歌”與“戰歌”和鳴的十七年,文學史與“思想史”建立了緊密的相關性,“配合政治和政策”成為共和國文學創作的宗旨。作家對政治政策的配合主要分為四種類型:主動性配合、消極性配合、反動性配合和抵抗配合。厘定以上模式的性質差異與複雜內涵,可以生成一個有機的認知文學史與思想史不同脈絡的參照系,並可據此重估“十七年文學”,客觀權衡作家作品的入史位置,使文學史更加簡潔明瞭而富有文學意味與人性意味。
The year 1949 is an important turning point in the history of contemporary Chinese literature. From this year onward until 1966 when the Cultural Revolution started to take place, “songs of praises” and “odes to wars” filled the air for seventeen years, in which history of literature and history of “thoughts” were closely intertwined and “supporting the political policies” became the guideline for literary creation in the People's Republic. The writers’ support of the political policies can be divided into four modes: active, passive, reactionary and resistant. Clarifying the differences and complexities of the modes above will lead to a systematic understanding of different developments in contemporary literature and ideological thoughts. This understanding can be applied to re-evaluate the socalled 'Seventeen-Year Literature' so that the writers' positions in history can be objectively placed. In so doing, history of contemporary Chinese literature will be clear and concise in terms of literary and human values.
起訖頁 321-335
關鍵詞 “十七年文學”思想史文學史配合'Seventeen-Year Literature'history of contemporary Chinese literaturehistory of ideological thoughtssupporting modes
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣文學同仁刊物企劃編輯與公關活動之研究--以現代詩雜誌近二十年媒體表現為例
該期刊-下一篇 幸福空間、區隔女人、才女禁區--初論 1960 年後廚房空間的性別議題




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