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Spinal Morphine Technique for Non-obstetric anesthesia-the analgesia effect, complication and satisfaction
作者 蔡志誠蕭家亮楊立卉吳基烈
脊髓腔內嗎啡減痛法(intrathecal morphine)為脊髓麻醉(spinal ﹒ anesthesia)很常併用的術後止痛方式,在產科手術與無痛分娩的相關研究及文獻較多,但使用於非產科之研究則較少。 本研究收集了52例非產科手術的病人使用脊髓腔內嗎啡止痛法,在術後觀察與統計其疼痛指數,副作用及滿意度。結果顯示止痛效果良好,滿意度高,副作用發生率以尿滯留最高 。因其操作方便,故在臨床上應可列為選擇的術後止痛方式。
The technique of administration of morphine into intrathecal space combing with local anesthetics is widely used in obstetric surgery for anesthesia and post-operation analgesia. However, little researches report this technique for non- obstetric surgery. This report aims to study the analgesia effect, complications and satisfaction of spinal morphine technique for non-obstetric surgery. Fifty-two patients who received the spinal morphine 0.2mg were observed 2 times postoperatively. The data included the visual analogue score (VAS) of pain (0-10), the severity of dizziness, nausea and vomiting, the incidence of urine retention, and the satisfaction of this anesthesia technique. The results showed that the analgesia effect of spinal morphine was excellent; the average VAS was 0.4 ± 0.8 and 1.1 ± 1.4 when visiting the patients 6-10 and 20-24 hours postoperatively. The most common complication of spinal morphine was urinary retention (total 27.5% and 32.5% at I'' and 200 visiting). The satisfaction score of this technique is high (the average was 4.7± 0.8 in 5-point scale). In conclusion, intrathecal morphine 0.2mg can be an alternative choice for postoperative pain control for non-obstetric surgery.
起訖頁 54-58
關鍵詞 脊髓麻醉脊髓腔內嗎啡spinal anesthesiaintrathecal narcotics
刊名 疼痛醫學雜誌  
期數 201009 (20:2期)
出版單位 臺灣疼痛醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 於疼痛門診以Parecoxib治療慢性頑固性疼痛之急性發作的臨床經驗




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