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疼痛醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Pain Control in Burn Patients
作者 李德芬林欣潔吳佳玟吳嘉純林美珍
Burn injury can be regards as one of the most traumas affecting human life. Once the initial life-threate and emotional shock have been overcome, the releave of pain is the most important treatment. Burn pain was devided to background pain because skin defect and procedural pain due to therapeutic protocols. We find the repetition of highly nociceptive procedures which can lead to severe psychological disturbances if pain control is inappropriate. This article introduce the treatment and pain of burn patient, also describe the definition and theories of pain. Understanding the objective methods of pain assessment is necessary for relief pain, so this article present multiple pain assessment institude which were applicated in clinical setting or researches.This paper devided burn pain-managements into two parts which are pharmaco-therapy and non- pharmacological techniques. Pharmacotherpy with opioids is the mainstay for analgesia in burned patients, and PCA is widely accepted as an effective analgesic modality. Non- pharmacological techniques of pain control are also useful which including massage, heat therapy, hypnosis, education, muscle relaxation and music therapy. The various medical benefits of music therapy were described in this artic. This paper suggest physicians and nursing staffs should learn more pain control intervention by educational programs to increase the care satisfiaction of in-hospital burned patients.
起訖頁 74-85
關鍵詞 燒燙傷患者疼痛評估非藥物性疼痛處置音樂治療burned patientpain assessmentnon-pharmacological techniquesmusic therapy
刊名 疼痛醫學雜誌  
期數 200409 (14:2期)
出版單位 臺灣疼痛醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 以Gabapentin成功治療傳統抗癲癇藥物療效不佳的三叉神經痛--病例報告




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