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Retrospective analysis of patient-controlloed Analgesia service at auniversity hospital in south Taiwan
作者 許弘德盧奕丞陳佩瑜邱舜麗湯兆舜
Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) was introduced to postoperative patients at our hospital since 2000 A.D., meanwhile an Acute Pain Service(APS) team was also established to enhance efficiency and quality of PCA. Our PCA regimens included mainly morphine IVPCA, morphine PCEA. We collected demographic, route for PCA, analgesia efficiency( evaluated by VAS score), PCA related complications and patients' satisfaction of PCA( evaluated by visual analogue rating scales completed by patients). Results : Our data revealed the increasing annual number of postoperative PCA using from 5.98 % in 2001to7.04% in 2003. Among the 2514 patients in our study, the overall analgesia efficiency was excellent (VAS significant decreased from first day to third day). In our observation, common opioids related side effects included PONV, pruritis, dizziness, drowsiness and urinary retention; there were few complications such as two respiratory depression, one visual hallucination, one delirium, one tinnitus and one diplopia. The overall satisfaction rate was 84.64%. In our analysis of satisfaction, there were several major unsatisfied factors such as inadequate pain relief, pruritis, severe PONV and PCA pump alarming. PCEA showed significantly lower side effects than IVPCA (nausea : IVPCA : PCEA = 14.20% : 2.04% , P > 0.05) (pruitus : IVPCA: PCEA= 9.85% : 1.02% , P> 0.05), but there no was significant difference between IVPCA and PCEA in analgesia and satisfaction in our investigation. Conclusion : We had got primary good results in recent years. Our promotion of PCA did benefit more patients suffered from postoperative pain, enhanced, medical quality and achieved the goal to decrease postoperative pain. However, it still needs our effort to minimize PCA complications such as PONV, pruritus for higher PCA safety and quality we can offer.
起訖頁 42-47
關鍵詞 嗎啡靜脈注射式病患自控式止痛硬脊膜外腔式病患自控式止痛morphineintravenous PCA (IVPCA)epidural PCA (PCEA)
刊名 疼痛醫學雜誌  
期數 200409 (14:2期)
出版單位 臺灣疼痛醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 Diclofenac sodium及Tenoxicam在手術後疼痛之應用




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