中文摘要 |
本文探討台灣閩南語元音系統及陽入原調的變異,研究問題是:(1) 台北市、彰化市、台南市閩南語元音系統的變異;(2) 台北市、彰化市、台南市閩南語陽入原調的變異;(3) 影響元音系統及陽入原調變異的機制為何;(4) 此二新興音變將導致台灣閩南語產生哪些結構性的改變。從分散理論來分析,台南市 /i, e, a, ə, u,ɔ/ 的六元音系統,結構較對稱,音與音更容易區辨,是較好的元音系統,而彰化市及安平的元音系統也朝台南音靠攏。陽入原調如果是 [-p]、[-t]、[-k] 尾,有讀同 [32] 的變異,與陰入調值混同;喉塞尾的陽入原調則有舒聲化,變成中長調、高降調或高平調的變異。陽入原調朝容易發音、簡化的方向演變,但此發展卻不利於聽辨。 |
英文摘要 |
This study investigates the new developments of sound variation in Taiwan Southern Min, including dialects spoken in Taipei, Changhua and Tainan. Four research questions are raised: First, what are the different vowel systems in these dialects? Second, what are the differences regarding lower register entering tone in these dialects? Third, what are the mechanisms motivating the sound variation? Fourth, what are the phonological structural changes of these dialects caused by the said sound changes? This study confirms that the vowel system (i, e, a, ə, u, ) of Tainan dialect tends to be the most popular system in Taiwan. The lower register tone of syllables with -p, -t, or -k ending tends to become [32], which is identical to the higher register entering tone. That which with -? ending tends to lose the glottal stop and to be lengthened, becoming mid-level, high-falling or high-level, depending on the original contour. |