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From Beasts to Furry Children: Boundary-marking Narratives and Emotionalization in the Animal Representation of Taiwanese Journalism
作者 王志弘高郁婷葉文琪
本文探討動物議題在臺灣報紙中的再現,並以敘事的劃界效果和情感化策略等概念掌握歷年動物議題的敘事策略變化。作者梳理1950 年至2014 年止,主要報紙之動物相關詞彙與主題的變化,並挑選代表性報導從事敘事分析。研究結果顯示,動物新聞的敘事方式逐漸轉向召喚複雜情感的策略,加以動物倫理議題在近年臺灣社會的開展,激發了情感化傳播方式對於公共議題的凝聚。但是,產業與防疫等動物議題的再現,仍然凸顯了安全勝於倫理,以及隨著動物類別不同而投以焦慮或同情等差異情感化傾向。
This article explores the representation of animal issues in Taiwanese newspaper. By investigating the effects of boundary-making and emotional politics of the narratives, the authors aim to grasp the evolvement of the narrative strategies of animal issues. The research mainly looks at local journalism from 1950 to 2014, in which the alteration of the use of words and topics related to animals are displayed, and selects reports representative of such vicissitudes as subjects of narrative analysis. Our results show that the narrative strategy of the animal issues in newspapers gradually turned toward the invocation of more complicated emotions. Moreover, with the growing attention that Taiwanese society pays to animal issues, the emotionalized strategy of communication also stimulates the cohesion of public consensus on such issues. As substantiated by the industrial and epidemic domains of animal-related narratives, where the security of human society still surpasses the ethical care for animals, animals of discrete species provoke either anxiety or sympathy, thus manifesting a differentiated emotionalized tendency.
起訖頁 43-85
關鍵詞 動物再現敘事他者化擬人化情感化策略animal representationnarrativeotheringanthropomorphismemotional politics
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201710 (133期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 恐怖主義與媒體:檢視美國反恐戰爭、伊斯蘭恐慌與半島電視台
該期刊-下一篇 新聞攝影裡「生活」與「日常」的奇觀化:World Press Photo「日常生活」類得獎作品分析(2010-2016)




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