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The Design of Educational Games Based on Learning Sciences
作者 裴蕾絲尚俊傑 (SHANG Junjie)周新林 (ZHOU Xin-lin)
Educational Games are games especially designed with definite learning goals. The design of educational games requires not only the fun elements of game which support the engaging learning environment, but also the well-designed game mechanisms which guarantee the scientific learning process. Educational Neuroscience, an emerging research field of Learning Sciences, makes the brain-based learning research possible via advanced brain imaging technology. Based on the current findings in educational neuroscience, this paper first summarized the overall learning process of number recognition and calculation in brain; and then analyzed the game design rules of The Number Race, according to the brain-based findings in math learning; finally, three suggestions for further development of educational games are proposed and elaborated.
起訖頁 060-069
關鍵詞 学习科学教育神经科学教育游戏游戏设计数学学习Learning SciencesEducational NeuroscienceEducational GamesGame DesignMath Learning
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201710 (369期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 “互联网+”时代数字教育资源的建设与发展
該期刊-下一篇 推进STEM教育的 游戏开发竞赛机制研究——基于美国STEM电子游戏设计竞赛的分析




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