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Research on New Development Pattern of Modern Vocational Education “Internet +” Platform
作者 韓毅
Internet information technology has been used in modern vocational education for a period of time and is now basically mature and popular, the pattern of innovation and development also has the condition, basing on thinking of modern vocational education system with internet thinking. Under the premise of China’s strategy of network power, with using Internet information technology as a means, applying Internet thinking pattern, elaborating the pattern of innovation and development of modern occupation education system, dividing into six major platforms including user, position, course, effect, feedback, management. It provides a platform model for the modern vocational education system and an innovative development model in the Internet era to meet the new round of challenges.
起訖頁 032-038
關鍵詞 现代职业教育体系“互联网+”平台发展模式Modern Vocational Education SystemInternet + PlatformDevelopment Pattern
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201710 (369期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 数字时代的学习变革——美国国际教育技术协会2017年会暨教育展览会综述
該期刊-下一篇 基于ICT的卢森堡大学网络信息化教育发展模式及启示




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