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Construction of Creative—Type Teaching Model Based on Curriculum Integration of Primary and Middle Schools
作者 楊維費瑞偉
The development of China's Maker education is still in the stage of theoretical-to-practice transformation. This study analyzes the characteristics of foster education under the thinking of STEM education, and on the basis of innovative education, experiential education and project learning philosophy, it is important to set up the study of entrepreneurial education, which is based on the characteristics of school curriculum. The importance of the learning community, based on the integration of primary and secondary school curriculum, the general model of the model. This paper takes the practice of a primary school in Chongqing as an example, and completes the teaching of one semester through the process of proposition, curriculum teacher configuration, interdisciplinary map analysis, teaching activity design, collaboration sharing, display and evaluation of six links, and achieved positive results.
起訖頁 053-057
關鍵詞 创客教育创客课程跨学科教学模式Maker EducationMaker CurriculumInterdisciplinaryTeaching Model
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201707 (366期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 日本终身学习质量保障机制研究及启示
該期刊-下一篇 创造取向的翻转课堂教学样式:理论与实践的桥梁




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