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基于量化视角的STEM 教育现状研究
The Research Status of STEM Education in China from the Scale of Quantitative Analysis
作者 常詠梅張雅雅金仙芝
With the innovative talents cultivation becomes the urgent needs of social development in new century, STEM Education aiming at cultivating the innovative talents of science and engineering has got more and more attention. This paper firstly clarifies the connotation and development background of STEM Education, then uses literature research method and social network analysis method for the review of focus and trend about STEM Education in the domestic over the past six years, and carries on the induction and analysis of STEM Education's focuses which based on the clustering analysis method from the following five aspects including development background research, curriculum integration concept research, the research on the relationship between STEM Education and Maker Education, teacher-education research and teaching practice research. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions in order to promote the STEM Education research into a deep and thorough levelsuch as the further research about STEM Education should promote the education localization, strengthen the subject integration, lay stress on the practical application and develop teachers' specialty training etc.
起訖頁 114-119
關鍵詞 STEM 教育聚类分析社会网络分析文献综述STEM EducationCluster AnalysisSocial Network AnalysisLiterature Review
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201706 (365期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 云环境下师徒制艺术传承网络学习空间应用研究
該期刊-下一篇 基于大数据的教师移动培训课程设计




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