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基于SPOC 的翻转课堂2.0 教学模式 设计与实施路径
Design and Implementation Process of the Teaching Model of Flipped Classroom 2.0 Based on SPOC
作者 丁永剛金夢甜張馨張雨琴
Flipped Classroom 2.0 is the improved version of Flipped classroom. Besides knowledge and skills, it pays more attention on personalized development and students' advanced thinking abilities, such as analysis, evaluation and creation. This paper designs the teaching model of Flipped Classroom 2.0 based on SPOC, which emphasizes “one task, two kinds of personality and three times of internalization” and whose teaching evaluation combines the learning attitude, learning ability and learning effectiveness. The empirical study shows that this model is benefit to the improvement of students' learning interests and personalized development, promoting the formation of students' advanced thinking abilities, and offering a reference for the practice of SPOC in higher education.
起訖頁 095-101
關鍵詞 SPOC翻转课堂2.0教学模式深度学习Flipped Classroom 2.0Teaching ModeDeep Learning
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201706 (365期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 中国台湾地区“行动磨课师计划”及其对大陆慕课建设启示
該期刊-下一篇 “互联网+”时代“新”学习方式的价值逻辑




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