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The Molding Function of MOOCs on Brand Images of Universities
作者 吳旻瑜金凱陳新陽
With the fast development of global education reform, the competition in talents and markets among universities becomes increasingly fierce. The universities pay more and more attention on establishing the brand image, while at the same time, brand image itself is so weak both in theory and practical construction outcomes. The so-called MOOCs, is the acronym of “Massive Open Online Courses”. The promotion of MOOCs has given a short cut for the public to get in touch with the practical teaching of universities, which has a direct effect on the establishment of universities’ brand images. This context builds up the evaluation model of universities’ brand images based on relevant research results. The model investigates into MOOCs influence on brand images, based on the method of questionnaires and field visit to those secondary school students. The research has turned out three outcomes. The first one is that universities have their brand images; the second one is that MOOCs has its influence on promoting the brand images and the last one lies in that the quality of MOOCs will have a significant influence on universities brand images.
起訖頁 135-141
關鍵詞 慕课高校品牌形象塑造功能MOOCsBrand Images of UniversitiesMolding Function
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201705 (364期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 数字素养教育与艺术教育融合研究




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