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Application Scenarios and Efficient Management of Fragmented Learning Resources in Mobile Internet Era
作者 魏雪峰 (Wei Xuefeng)楊現民張玉梅
With the rapid development of mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, virtual reality and other technologies widely used, fragmented learning has become a new way of learning in the mobile Internet era. Fragmented learning is a new way of learning that happened in ubiquitous learning environment to learn fragmented content in the use of fragmented time. Its distinctive features are the fragmented time, fragmented content and fragmented media. Firstly, this paper analyzes the fragmented learning “three advantages and four disadvantages”: being conducive to the rapid acquisition of knowledge, being conducive to keeping frontier and will help improve learning ability. However, fragmented learning is not conducive to systematic mastery of knowledge, and it is apt to cause superficial reading issues that likely to cause inattention, weakening the ability to think on complex issues. Secondly, the four application scenarios that the fragmented learning used were proposed, including mobile and ubiquitous learning, social learning, contextual learning and creation learning. Finally, the efficient management strategies of fragmented learning resources should include: easily manage their fragmentation of knowledge, carry out micro-learning and build social cognition network with the use of fragmented learning resources.
起訖頁 117-122
關鍵詞 移动互联网碎片化学习适用场景高效管理Mobile InternetFragmented LearningApplication ScenariosEfficient Management
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201705 (364期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 新疆中小学少数民族双语教师培训效果评估的设计与实现
該期刊-下一篇 美国K-12数字学习产品供给现状的研究——基于K-12数字学习最新进展2015年度报告的分析解读




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