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分組合作學習於高級中等學校數學補救教學課程上之 成效:以「數列與級數」單元為例
The application of Cooperative Learning to Mathematic Remedial Instruction for Vocational High School Disadvantage Students
作者 黃敦煌梁正鑛
本研究運用分組合作學習教學方法於補救教學實務上。研究對象為立意抽樣 某私立高級中等學校綜合高中應用外語學程三年級學生54人,採用原班教學。 實施單元為高職數學B「數列與級數」單元,內容綱要為:「等差數列與等差級 數」、「等比數列與等比級數」及「無窮等比級數」。研究期程為一個月,教學流 程運用三節連堂進行,第一節教學、第二節分組討論、第三節評量與回饋。分組 方式為以數學成績、學生特質異質性分為九組,以六人為一組,當中成績最好的 學生擔任教練(Coach)角色,負責帶領討論與指導其餘同學。學習成就評量方 式為課堂前後測驗;學習態度評量方式採用數學學習態度量表,於研究前或研究 後測量。量化評量結果發現分組合作學習使一般學生之學習成就、學習態度均上 升、教練則沒有差異;學生質性問卷回饋發現,學生成績提升、不再討厭數學、 教練自覺更深入了解該單元。最後,補救教學於高中端的研究甚少,期望未來能 有更多探究高級中等學校補救教學教材教法上之研究,讓教師們能了解補救教學 於高中端之做法,一同協助不同程度的學生學習。
The purpose of this research is to apply a Cooperative Learning (CL) method to remedial instruction. A total of 54 senior students from a vocational high-school were sampled by researcher judgment and underwent in-class remedial instruction. The mathematic syllabus in use was the Vocational High School Mathematics B, Sequence and Series Unit. The teaching period was 1 month, with 18 mathematic lessons total, three per session. The class was divided into 9 groups, 6 students per group, according to their mathematic outcomes and attitude towards mathematics. The most outstanding 9 students were divided between the 9 groups and appointed to be “Coach” This research used each lesson’s academic test as well as attitude towards mathematic scales to measure each participant’s mathematical academic achievement and attitude towards mathematics. The results show improvement on mathematical academic achievement and attitude for normal participants. However, the results show no significant differences in coaches after the instruction. Participant feedback shows that CL not only improved their academic achievement, but also made them not scared and hateful of mathematics anymore. The Coaches’ feedback shows that they understood the unit more profoundly after instruction. In the future, there will likely be more studies on the effectiveness on remedial teaching materials in secondary schools so that teachers can effectively implement a variety of techniques to help adaptively teach students of different abilities.
起訖頁 156-179
關鍵詞 補救教學數學補救教學合作學習原班補救教學Remedial InstructionMathematic Remedial InstructionCooperative LearningIn-class Remedial Instruction
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201712 (6:12期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中小學教師教學節數議題之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幸福學校的課程實例




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