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A Study of Working Hours, Specicalty Teaching, and Work Stress of Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan
作者 馮莉雅蘇雅慧徐昌慧
本研究旨在了解教師的工作時數、專長授課和工作壓力之關係,並分析教師 工作困擾原因和解決方式。本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國99所國中1293位教 師為研究對象,採用次數分配、單因子變異數分析、多元回歸等統計方法。研究 結論有6項:(1)我國國中教師自我知覺的工作時數與OECD國家的工作時數相 似近,但導師與專任教師的教學時數比OECD國家低。(2)不同職務教師的四種 工作時數有顯著差異,專任教師的總工作時數最少。(3)不同任教科目教師自我 知覺的工作時數有顯著差異,可能與職務和科目學習節數有關。(4)國中教師有 低比例的非專長授課節數,勝任程度為中等。導師、規模18班以下的國中、語 文及自然與生活科技之國中其非專長授課情況較嚴重。(5)我國國中教師有中度 的工作壓力,壓力最高是教學工作,工作時數和專長授課能預測國中教師的工作 壓力,但解釋變異量低。(6)行政事務和額外活動太多是不同職務教師工作過重 的共同問題,增加專任行政人力或教師員額是國中教師認同的工作壓力解決方 法。
A questionnaire survey approach was employed in the study. A selective random sample of 1293 teachers from 99 junior high schools was drawn in Taiwan. Frequency distribution, One-Way ANOVA, and step-wise regression were used to examine the unanswered questions. The conclusions are as follows: (1)In general, working hours perceived by Taiwan’s junior high school teachers are lower than working hours in OECD countries. The perceived teaching hours by tutors and full-time teachers are lower than teaching hours in OECD countries. (2)There is a significant difference in the perceived working hours by different working teachers. (3)There is a significant difference in the perceived working hours by different subject teachers. This result might be explained in regard to the work kind and subject learning sessions. (4)Junior high school teachers have a low percentage of non-specialist teaching sessions, and the extent of competence is medium. There is a serious tendency of non-specialist teaching in junior high school tutors, the number of classes is below 18, language arts teaching area, and science and technology teaching area. (5)Junior high school teachers have medium work stress.Work stress of teaching is higher. Working hours and Specicalty Teaching are positive predictors to work stress, but explained variance is low. (6)The common problem of heavy workload of different job teachers is due to administrative affairs and extra added work. Junior high schools teachers, tend to consider that the increase of full-time administrive employees and teacher personnel increment are the ways to solve the current workload problems.
起訖頁 040-067
關鍵詞 工作時數專長授課工作壓力國中教師working hoursspecicalty teachingwork stressjunior high school teachers
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 201709 (11:3期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 學校志工工作熱情相關影響因素之研究一以中小學為例
該期刊-下一篇 學齡前排灣族家長對幼兒教養信念與實踐之研究




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