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Events(Vol.37 No.2)
Professors from Universite of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Visit the NCL Prof. Guy Lavorel, President of Universite of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 , and Prof. Gregory Lee, Director for Programs with Asia at the university, visited the NCL on March 24, 2006. The visitors toured the library’s Rare Books Room and listened to a briefing on the NCL 3T systems (Taiwan Memory, Taiwan Info, and Window on Taiwan). During their stay in Taiwan form March 19 to 24, Professors Lavorel and Lee also visited several other academic institutions for exchanges on Taiwan studies courses as a reference in the planning of courses for the Chinese department at Universite of Jean Moulin Lyon 3.
起訖頁 4-10
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200605 (37:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Special Report(Vol.37 No.2)
該期刊-下一篇 Seminars(Vol.37 No.2)




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