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Events(Vol.36 No.4)
CCA Chairman Chen Chi-nan Inspects Township Libraries Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) Chairman Chen Chi-nan made inspection visits to township libraries in Changjhih, Jhutian, Jiadong, and Linbian on August 7 to understand the status of their operations. He was joined by Pingtung County Cultural Bureau Director Hsu Fen-chun and National Taichung Library Director Hsueh Mao-sung. The group also met with township and city mayors in Pingtung County to jointly map out a new course for library development in the county. Chen emphasized the importance of developing township libraries as centers for continuing education and cultural and art exchanges. In these capacities, he said, libraries can play an important role in fostering a literary and cultural climate in local communities. He also said that in future library facilities would be designed as artworks and landmarks in their own right. He urged local communities to submit plans for achieving these objectives, promising strong support from the CCA for competitive proposals.
起訖頁 5-10
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200511 (36:4期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Special Report(Vol.36 No.4)
該期刊-下一篇 Seminars(Vol.36 No.4)




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