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CCS Visiting Scholar Research Grants for 2005
The Center for Chinese Studies finalized its list of visiting scholar research grant recipients for 2005. A total of 28 grant applications was assessed by a selection committee that convened on August 6, chaired by NCL Director Juang Fang-rung. The six committee members included Prof. Wang Fan-sen, Prof. Li Yi-yuan, Prof. Kuan Tung-kui, Prof. Liu Shih-chi, Prof. Liu Tsui-jung, and Prof. Kuo Tsung-tao. After enthusiastic debate and careful selection, 14 grant recipients were selected as follows (arranged alphabetically by country name): 1. Schmidt, Stepha: Male; Germany; Institute for Philosophy, Free University Berlin (Ph.D.); topic of study: Confucianism in an Intercultural Perspective: Mou Zongsan's Interpretation of Kantian Philosophy; period of study: six months
起訖頁 18-20
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200411 (35:4期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 International Exchange




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