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Lucian's Lepidus: Problems with Identification
作者 吳靖遠
學界提及陸其安《神棍亞歷山大》(Lucian, Alexander the false prophet)的 伊比鳩魯領袖阿馬斯翠的雷皮度(Lepidus of Amastris)時,往往將此人與一篇 出土於阿馬斯翠(Amastris)的 CIG 4149(即 Marek 1993, p. 162 Kat. Amastris no. 12)Tiberius Claudius Lepidus 當作是同一人,但如此推論多沒有提出具體證 明。本文探討將兩人視為同一人在證據上以及推論上會出現的問題,並主張 在證據不足的情況下,若採用 Prosopographia Imperii Romani 較為保守的說法,比較合理。
In the Alexander the False Prophet, Lucian presents a biographical account of Alexander of Abonuteichos, who founded a snake oracle cult in Paphlagonia. This oracle cult eventually spread to Rome under the crafty guidance of its founder Alexander, who used deception, trickery, and human flaw to ensnare laymen and dignitaries alike. Lucian informs us that Alexander was perplexed by Lepidus of Amastris and his Epicurean followers, who doubted Alexander's oracles and made fun of his craft. Scholars were able to link many of the personages in Alexander's biography to historical persons based on inscriptions and literary accounts by other authors, and Lepidus was linked to an inscription found at Amastris, which commemorated one Tiberius Claudius Lepidus, 'high-priest of Pontus' and 'president of the city. This paper examines this identification, and finds that alternative interpretations on the connection between Lucian's Lepidus and the Lepidus inscription ought to be considered.
起訖頁 129-147
關鍵詞 陸其安阿馬斯翠龐圖大祭司LucianAmastrisHigh-priest of Pontus
刊名 止善  
期數 201612 (21期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
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