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荷蘭時代的基督教規訓與社會流動:以〈大員宗教會書〉大員小會1643 至1649 年的教會手稿為中心的探討
Mobility and Consistorial Discipline in Dutch Formosa: An Examination of Kercboek, 1643-1649, Tayouan Consistory
作者 賀安娟
這篇論文是進行中的十七世紀荷蘭臺灣手稿研究計畫的部分成果。該手稿題為〈大員宗教會書〉(Kercboek van Formosa),是關於在臺荷蘭社群之屬靈福利與對臺灣原住民宣教之進展的教會文獻。分析這份文獻的取徑受到了「歷史研究的文學轉向」所提出之研究問題的影響。在此研究取徑下,重視脈絡的研究者會從文獻中尋找主題參考架構,而這些參考架構中的一例就是社會與經濟的變動。社會變動的相關資料主要反映在教育推展以及喀爾文基督教社群的發展。除此之外,會議紀錄中也反映了牧師、探訪傳道、學校教師,以及其他荷蘭東印度公司職員回到巴達維亞或荷蘭共和國的文獻。從多重面向閱讀這些文獻,不只可以讓我們超越「時間常規」,還可以從中解讀個人回應上級政策時展現的多樣性,以及喀爾文宗教精神如何在信徒的生命中產生影響。這樣的動能可以藉由社會流動來呈現。筆者的研究問題在於觀察社會流動以什麼形式被認知,以及社會流動所帶來的預期進展為何。具體來說,就是加入荷蘭東印度公司前往海外,以及這樣的移動經驗如何在抵達海外之後產生轉變。筆者的研究發現,前往東印度的旅行者最初都是受到向上流動的期待所驅使,而這些抵達臺灣的人,也將社會流動轉變為連串的空間流動。
This article is part of an ongoing project featuring 17^(th)-century Dutch handwritten manuscripts pertaining to Taiwan, then referred to as Formosa. The manuscript entitled Kercboek van Formosa is an ecclesiastical document commenting on the spiritual welfare of the Dutch community and the progress made by the church in evangelizing the natives. The analysis of the text has been inspired by research questions from a "literary turn in historical studies" approach, a contextualist perspective that seeks out points of thematic reference, one of which is the observation of social and economic changes. Social changes are mainly recorded in terms of educational expansion and the development of the Calvinist community, but the minutes also document the scope of mobility by preachers, attendants-to-the-sick, schoolmasters and VOC personnel returning to Batavia or the Dutch Republic. Reading the historical materials from different perspectives sheds light not only on the "conventional practices of time" and their evolution; but also on the unusual and various methods that individuals resorted to in response to policies from above and how the Calvinist spirit played out in the lives of its members. These dynamics will be illustrated through the notion of mobility. What were voyagers’ prospects for mobility in going overseas in the service of the VOC, and how did they work out once the travelers arrived in the distant settlement? My findings suggest that although the voyagers to the East Indies were originally driven by the incentive for upward mobility, for many who landed in Formosa this eventually translated into a sequel of spatial mobility.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 荷蘭時代流動喀爾文宗教荷蘭聯合東印度公司識字認識能力Dutch FormosaMobilityReformed ChurchUnited East India CompanyLiteracy
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201703 (24:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 日本營造業最初的海外擴張:韓國京仁鐵路的興建──兼論與臺灣縱貫鐵路發展之異同




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