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海峽兩岸親屬權益之保障 --以陸配在台收養大陸地區子女案例為中心
Protection of the interests about the cross-strait relatives
作者 何志揚
隨著海峽兩岸經濟往來頻繁,台灣地區對大陸地區人民先後開放自由行觀光旅遊,甚至開放陸資來台投資,兩岸聯姻的情形也日趨頻繁,因此兩岸律師實在有必要透過彼此的協助,來共同解決兩岸民眾 的法律爭議。正由於兩岸法制存有差異,收養制度也有很大不同,本報告藉由陸配在台收養大陸地區子女的成功案例,來說明唯有兩岸律師合作才能保障兩岸親屬的權益。
With frequent economic exchanges across the Taiwan Strait , Taiwan government have opened the free individual travel to the people of the mainland China, even allowing Mainland Chinese Investors to invest in Taiwan ,the cross-strait connections through marriages are becoming increasingly frequent , and therefore it is necessary for lawyers on both sides through mutual assistance to jointly people on both sides to resolve legal disputes . Precisely because there are differences on both sides of the legal system , adoption system is also very different , this report by the story about the mainland chinese spouse in Taiwan to adopt the mainland child successfully illustrate that cross-strait lawyers must cooperate with each other to protect the interests of cross-strait relatives.
起訖頁 65-82
關鍵詞 兩岸律師合作收養法制cross-straitlawyercooperateadoptlegal system
刊名 靜宜法學  
期數 201612 (5期)
出版單位 靜宜大學法律學系暨研究所
該期刊-上一篇 槍傷鑑定及彈道分析於偵查中之運用──以鄭性澤案與蔡學良案為例
該期刊-下一篇 科技部學術倫理案件處理及審議要點之探討




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