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Modeling the Shopping Behavior of Air Passengers at International Airports in Taiwan
作者 呂錦隆李宗純
Understanding air passengers’ shopping behavior at airports is one of theimportant issues for airport operation. A few studies in the past had investigatedthis issue, and there is a need to further explore the use of behavioral modelingtechniques for analysis. This paper collected data of Taiwanese passengers’shopping behavior at the two primary international airports in Taiwan - TaiwanTaoyuan International Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport, andadopted binary logit model and truncated Tobit model to model the shoppingbehavior of air passengers and their shopping amount. We further segmentedthe samples into two categories: pre-planned shopping passengers andimpulsive shopping passengers. The model results reveal that if passengers havehigh perceptions on airport shopping, they will be more willing to shop atairports. Good employee services could particularly increase impulsiveshopping passengers’ shopping expenditures (if they decide to shop). Certainvariables related to passengers’ background and travel characteristics havereverse impacts on shopping decisions and shopping expenditures for eitherpre-planned shopping passengers or impulsive shopping passengers. Ifpassengers spend more time on shopping, their expenditures will be more.Finally, if passengers shop items for self-use or memories, for gift giving, or forothers asked, the spending will be higher for both groups of passengers. Thefindings have implications for airport and shop operators.
起訖頁 281-309
關鍵詞 航空旅客機場消費行為截斷式Tobit模式二元羅吉特模式Passenger shopping behaviorAirportTruncated Tobit modelBinary logit model
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201506 (27:2期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 公共運輸無縫轉乘服務品質、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯模式構建:以臺北都會區轉運站為例




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