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Improving Hospital Indicator Management with the Web-KIDMAP Module: THIS as an Example
作者 錢才瑋王文中陳年興 (Nian-Shing Chen)林宏榮
醫院內的許多指標管理,多是以折線圖、圓餅圖或是雷達圖分析,主觀地對異常指標提出檢討。本研究以丹麥數學家Rasch(1960)的試題反應理論單參數洛基模式,結合網際網路的科技,建置一套易懂能解的網路KIDMAP。對於所開發的程式,首先檢測程式在參數估計上的正確性,再改良傳統單機批次處理KIDMAP的繪製,以網路方式分析增加受試者對每一指標分析正常機率的估計、群體比較的莖葉圖、潛能估計與分級、顏色區分SWOT優劣勢及改善機會區塊、資料與模式預期差異太大而達顯著水準(α =0.05)的註記等,對於指標品質管理提供一個易懂能解的示範,並以國內的THIS做指標管理執行成果呈現KIDMAP的介紹。結果顯示,本研究的程式符合參數估計上的正確性,改良後的網頁KIDMAP的繪製,可展現更多潛在的訊息。受試者的績效估計及fit統計均方誤,皆標示在樣本常模上,容易比較分析受試者的優劣情勢,對醫院指標管理提供一個科學的驗證。
Those charts such as line chart plot, pie chart and Radar chart are frequently utilized but subjectively analyzed on indicator management in hospitals. We adopted Rasch's, a Danish mathematician, measurement model to develop an easily understood Web-KIDMAP to help staffs implement indicator management efficiently. To improve the traditional KIDMAP used in the education field, we invented computer programs that ran on internet, and compared the parameters estimates with those obtained from commercial software like Rasch/Winsteps. Then, we developed the so-called Web-KIDMAP which has multi-fiinctions and releases more valuable information to managers and to demonstrate Taiwan Healthcare Indicator Series(THIS) as an example to be implemented. The results showed that the computer programs we developed can accurately estimate parameters needed for KIDMAP. The innovated Web-KIDMAP released much more information than the traditional one. The fit statistics of the examinee responses across items are also shown on maps to clearly unveil the strength and weakness of the examinee. The Web-KIDMAP is expected to upgrade hospital performances on indicator management.
起訖頁 15-26
關鍵詞 Rasch分析Fit統計能力估計Rasch analysisFit statisticsability estimateKIDMAP
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200612 (15:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用彈性模型預測細胞內水量
該期刊-下一篇 RAIDdb:遺傳及罕見疾病整合平台的開發與建構




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