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臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Teaching Metalinguistic Awareness with Environmental Print to Grade 2 Students
作者 洪月女 (Hung, Yueh-Nu)林怡慧
This study explores the effectiveness of metalinguistic awareness instruction with environmental print for Grade 2 students in Taiwan. Adopting a nonequivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, this study developed an 8-week metalinguistic awareness teaching and implemented it in a public elementary school in central Taiwan. The participates were two integrated classes of Grade 2 students where the experimental group received metalinguistic awareness instruction with environmental print and the control group received regular Chinese language arts instruction. A metalinguistic awareness test was administered to both groups before and after the experimental treatment, and the experimental group also completed a learning response survey after the teaching. Findings and conclusions include: 1. after the teaching innovation, there were significant differences in performance on the metalinguistic awareness post-test between the two groups; 2. after the teaching innovation, there were significant differences in performance on the syntactic awareness subtest post-test between the two groups; 3. students in the experimental group expressed positive responses to the teaching innovation. Last, based on the findings and conclusions, suggestions and implications for teaching and future research are provided.
起訖頁 41-63
關鍵詞 後設語言覺知學習成效環境文字Environmental PrintLearning EffectMetalinguistic Awareness
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201612 (30:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 以正向心理學之觀點探討大學生希望感、問題解決及生涯發展之關係
該期刊-下一篇 李漁《連城璧》之戲謔筆法初探




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