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女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Gender Politics in a Non-Mainstream Newsroom: A Case Study of the Shih-Hsin University Publication Newsweek
作者 林宇玲
本研究採用Lois McNay 的性別化生存心態和場域的關係作為理論架構,檢視以公共為導向的《小世界》新聞室之性別政治,同時探討學生如何在此協商其性別認同和專業實踐。
This study employs the theoretical framework proposed by L. McNay, based on the relationship between a gendered habitus and its location of activity. It examines the gender politics in the newsroom of Shih-Hsin University’s Newsweek, which is a non-mainstream and communityoriented local publication, and explores how professional training in public journalism influences the gendered and professional identities of journalism students.
The study has produced four findings. First, female reporters in the female-dominated newsroom do not feel that female characteristics are negative capital, but the actual operation of news production tends to highlight the importance of interpersonal relationships and to lead to some conflicts and controversies.
Secondly, the majority of the newsroom participants are female, and they tend to choose journalistic roles based on relations with classmates and friends, and thus to reinforce the impact of peer relationships on their news practices.
Thirdly, the newsroom holds ideals of dedication to the public benefit, but the actual operation follows traditional professional norms. Students tend to accept the organizational and professional norms in order to get their articles published.
Finally, if a student’s gendered habitus does not meet the journalistic professionalism required by the news section, she/he would likely experience more frustration and negotiation in the internship process.
起訖頁 1-55
關鍵詞 公共新聞學性別與新聞學性別化生存心態新聞教育新聞專業訓練新聞場域public journalismgender and journalismgendered habitusjournalism educationprofessional training in journalismjournalistic field
刊名 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究  
期數 201606 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心婦女與性別研究組
該期刊-下一篇 原住民新聞中的性別與族群議題




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