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女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Communication Technology Dropout and Refusal: The Analysis of Married Women’s Quitting ICTs at Home
作者 方念萱
為促成社會含納(social inclusion)、社會公平,過往至今的公共政策以弭平數位落差為目標,相關傳播與科技的研究也常以擁有者(haves)與未擁有者(have-nots)為基本範疇,亟思將未擁有者轉為擁有者,促成全民近用資傳科技。然而,研究者、政策制訂者對於「未擁有科技」的形構、想像、與瞭解,往往停留在缺乏硬體等的功能論觀點,未能脈絡化當事者(群)之所以不(能)使用科技的原因、經驗。近年全球傳播與科技相關研究已經開始聚焦理解「不使用者」的樣態,本研究植基於2003 年已婚女性退用網際網路的訪談資料,以及2011 年前後另一深訪已婚女性退用家用娛樂科技Wii 的資料,從退用、拒用、不使用等相關角度重新審視,並以James Paul Gee 的言說分析工具分析女性退用傳播科技的社會、文化、家庭脈絡與機轉。
This paper is a study which revisits answers from married women in Taiwan in 00 data on quitting the Internet and 011 data on dropping out of Wii-play. I revisit the data gathered from in-depth interviews in the past, and analyze women as situated non-users of domestic communication technology in Taiwan. In the past, the dominant discourse on bridging the digital divide has been geared towards the functionalistic view of nonuse, with the anticipation that the category of non-use will be diminished eventually. While failure to access the technology and lack of digital literacy may still be reasons that people remain non-users, women’s dropping out of domestic technology, be it information and communication technologies or entertainment ones, can be analyzed from the perspectives of gendered roles scripted socially as well as media refusal possibly resulting from changing visions of the ideal family.
起訖頁 111-169
關鍵詞 性別退用不用家用科技genderWiidropoutnon-usedomestic technologyJames Paul Gee
刊名 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究  
期數 201606 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心婦女與性別研究組
該期刊-上一篇 原住民新聞中的性別與族群議題
該期刊-下一篇 生育旅遊的國界管理:赴美待產女性的國界規訓經驗




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