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作者 劉恆興
This paper examines Zhang Wojun’s 張我軍 understanding of national cultural identity and the debate over New and Old Literature, as reflected in related essays that he wrote in the 1920s. Currently, most scholars agree that a Chinese (ethnic) consciousness occupies an important place in Zhang’s conceptual thinking, but owing to differences in political viewpoint, they also evaluate the significance of this differently. As a consequence, in current academic discourse there clearly also exist many divergent and contradictory interpretations of the texts and background of the times. In the light of the deepening of this discourse in current research, there is evidently a need to clarify the main threads of Zhang’s literary thought with regard to the Taiwanese New Literature movement as the main impetus for reform during the period of Japanese rule. In re-examining Zhang Wojun’s literary ideas and related writings, this research attempts to trace the course of different currents of thought. On the main premises that the society and culture of Japanese-occupied Taiwan were very different, and that the historical development of Taiwanese literary culture has its own peculiarities, this paper will try to objectively understand the implications of Zhang’s ideas, map out his inner identity, and thus explore the significance of the course of development of the Taiwanese New Literature movement and its possible clash with the old literature.
起訖頁 333-364
關鍵詞 新文學運動五四運動張我軍臺灣認同New Literature movementMay Fourth movementZhang WojunTaiwanidentity
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 方以智的禪學思想
該期刊-下一篇 Book Review--Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face: Scripture, Ritual and Iconographic Exchange in Medieval China




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