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On Xunzi’s Transformation and Development of Human Nature: From the View of Language and Social Aspects
作者 伍振勳
This paper attempts to answer two questions. First, is Xunzi’s theory of human nature influenced by his concept of language? Second, does that theory prove insightful in light of his concept of language, even though it is inadequate from the viewpoint of the philosophy of subjectivity? Xunzi views language behavior from the aspect of social consciousness, and advocates that subjective experience is had through and that the living world is manifested in the language structure of term, discourse, and ruling (名辭、辯說、治道). Based on his concept of language, this paper elucidates Xunzi’s theory of human nature in terms of the process of socialization; in so doing I explore the social, the cultural, and the personal significances of both choosing and accumulative learning. In addition, I also interpret the “inner” side of Xunzi’s thought, distinguishing his idea of social-self from that of Mencius’ˆ using the concepts of incomplete sociality and complete sociality.
起訖頁 35-66
關鍵詞 荀子孟子化性起偽語言觀社會自我XunziMenciusˆtransformation and development of human natureconcept of languagesocial-self
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200803 (26:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「予欲無言」--《論語》中的論辯與孔子對「言」的態度
該期刊-下一篇 六朝道教三一論的興起與轉折--以存思技法為線索




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