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作者 張崑將
This essay attempts to expound the interpretative characteristics of Jiang Meng yu hua 講孟餘話 by Japanese thinker Yoshida Shoin (吉田松陰, 1830-1859) and matters that arose from the methodology by which he interpreted Mencius. It was strongly characteristic of an ideology that put the Royal House ahead of foreign powers. I analyze Shoin’s principle of interpretation, which was based on facts rather than on theories. Thus, I explore Shoin’s interpretative characteristics in terms of 1) historical reliability of the Confucian Classics, 2) Japan-centered interpretation, and 3) an interpretation that has historical sympathy with the crisis Shoin faced during his time. However, Shoin’s unique emphasis on the space-time subjectivity of the interpreter has inevitably caused conflicts between its particularity and its universality so far as the core meaning of the Confucian Classics is concerned. The mode that Shoin offered to solve this conflict is called the “misplaced subjectivity of the Confucian Classics.” That is to say, to subject the universality of original Classics to the particularity of Japan, Shoin replaced the space-time subjectivity of the Classics and their authors with his own.
起訖頁 207-233
關鍵詞 吉田松陰講孟餘話經典詮釋孟子德川時代Yoshida ShoinJiang Meng yu huainterpretation of Confucian ClassicsMenciusTokugawa period
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200903 (27:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 借用與對峙--互文性視域下的〈梁武帝累修成佛〉
該期刊-下一篇 統而不正--對魏禧〈正統論〉的一種新詮釋




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