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Calamitous Moments: Rethinking the Ethics of Post Disaster Psychological Reconstruction Programs
作者 林耀盛
This article points out firstly that disaster and traumatic events resulting from calamitous moments must be the focus of dedicated long term research and of ontological caring in practice. Ethical issues related to the post disaster psychological reconstruction program represent an important agenda. Therefore, in the execution of serial programs and nursing care, it should not be taken for granted that sufferers are destined to be pathological clients. Rather, each sufferer should be attended to in a humanistic manner. In other words, the elimination of symptoms cannot be our only focus. Secondly, the author discusses the ethical dimensions of post-disaster psychological intervention within a “Five T” framework (namely, tears, time, talk, transformation, and trauma). The author then explores the meaning of posttraumatic psychological growth, which is relevant to the resilience that coexists with suffering. Finally, it is important to practice ontological care from the context of being “within” the relationship, rather from a rigid cognition regarding program efficiencies. ‘Being’ provides much greater depth than ‘doing’.
起訖頁 24-30
關鍵詞 災傷倫理5T執行存有calamityethicsfive Tdoingbeing
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201012 (57:6期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 生物醫學化中護理照顧之反思——以母血唐氏症篩檢為例
該期刊-下一篇 新進護理人員角色轉換與工作適應歷程之質性研究




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