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性別平等教育課程之研究 --以「身分法專題研究」課程為例
A Curriculum Research on Gender Equality —Taking “Seminar on Family and Succession Law” as an example
作者 蔡穎芳
於民法改採性別中立的規範架構之下,本文之目標在於探求下一階段 的性別平等法學教育途徑。所提出的四個性別平等法學教育與教學之推動 策略如下(a)藉助國際人權公約(ex.消除對婦女一切性別歧視公約 CEDAW),檢視台灣相關法制是否符合公約之要求(b)自身分法之糾紛解決 程序,檢視男性當事人/女性當事人/同性戀者於家事事件司法程序中的 法律地位(c)藉助「法學理論」檢視「成文法」與「本土司法實務運作狀況」 是否符合性別平等原則(d) 司法/社工互助狀況之檢視,及其對性別平等 之影響。此課程之授課大綱與每週講義係依此四個推動策略草擬並予以執 行。 根據修課同學所填寫之課程日誌以及期末問卷,此課程所採用之性別平等法學改革推動策略、所指定閱讀的案例以及相關文獻,還有所安排的家事調解觀察以及四場演講之學習活動,均能增加學生於性別平等方面的 法學知識。然而,於消除對婦女一切性別歧視公約方面,應加強討論。參訪性別書店,或是提供涉入家事糾紛的弱勢民眾法律建議之非政府組織, 亦應能增進修課同學們的性別意識。此外,若法官等業師願意受邀進行協同教學,或可增加同學參與家事調解觀察或法庭觀察的學習活動管道。
This article aims to explore new approaches to promote gender equality of law in legal education under the gender-neutral Civil Code. Four strategies of legal education pursuing gender equality are proposed as below :a To examine whether the existing state laws resonate with international human rights conventions such as CEDAWbTo scrutinize the socio-legal status of male/female/homosexual litigants in the process of dispute resolutioncTo review the state laws and court practices through legal theories and gender perspectivesdTo study the cooperative situation of social workers and judicial professionals and its effect on gender equality. A syllabus and weekly handouts are drafted and carried out in terms of the strategies mentioned above. According to the course diary and questionnaires filled by students, the proposed strategies of legal education pursuing gender equality, the cases and reading lists recommended by the weekly handouts, and the learning activities including observation of family mediation and four speeches are all capable of increasing the students' legal knowledge concerning gender equality. However, more discussion about CEDAW should be conducted. The gender consciousness of students might be improved by visiting gender bookshops or non-government organizations which provide the disadvan-taged people legal advice with reference to family disputes as well. Students might be able to have access to learning activities such as court observation of family disputes if judges are willing to be invited to participate in the teaching team.
起訖頁 165-203
關鍵詞 性別平等法學教育行動研究gender equalitylegal educationaction research
刊名 靜宜法學  
期數 201612 (5期)
出版單位 靜宜大學法律學系暨研究所
該期刊-上一篇 由美國經驗分析我國逆向抵押貸款制度之法律問題
該期刊-下一篇 論資本公積之意義與使用目的




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