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On Gu Jiegang’s Questioning of the Authorship of the Shangshu Preface
作者 謝明憲
There have been different opinions about the question of who wrote the preface to the Shangshu 尚書. Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛 was suspicious about the time of circulation of the preface, as well as about the view that the so-called “100 chapters” version of the Shangshu was originally orated by the Western Han Confucian Fu Sheng 伏生. Gu Jiegang’s views about the Shangshu were different from those of previous scholars. This article analyzes Gu Jiegang’s questioning of the authorship of the Shangshu preface, using his published work about the preface, as well as his notes, diary, and other relevant materials. It also lays out Gu’s two positions concerning the authorship question. The first is that the preface was written in the Eastern Han and the second speculates that the preface to the “100 chapters” Shangshu was written by the Western Han scholar, Zhang Ba 張霸. Both of these arguments are connected to the notion that Zhang Ba fabricated the Shangshu. This article first elaborates on the issue of Zhang Ba’s possible fabrication of the Shangshu and then discusses the limitations of Gu Jiegang’s inferred logic concerning the authorship of the preface.
起訖頁 413-438
關鍵詞 尚書張霸伏生書序辨偽書顧頡剛ShangshuZhang BaFu ShengShu Xu BianapocryphaGu Jiegang
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200712 (25:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 鄭玄注《禮》未嘗更改經字證
該期刊-下一篇 書評--Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World




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