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Applying Intranet to Prepare the New Accreditation of Hospital-- a Case of Southern Taiwan Hospital
作者 傅家芸呂麗戎張怡秋
台灣新制醫院評鑑與舊制評鑑的方式、內容與精神上皆有很大的不同,尤其是在整合資料的準備上,新制需有更多縱向與橫向的溝通與交流,為更具效率及效能的因應此一龐大工作之故,本研究之個案醫院利用資訊科技──院內網路文件共享(document share)資料庫的特點,提供全院員工專為評鑑準備之資料使用專區,其立即效益除可節省相同資料重複影印的金錢浪費,更能縮短文件旅行所耗費的時間成本,並可打破時間及空間的限制,彙整分散資料以準備評鑑。此外,在無形效益上,亦能在面臨評鑑高度的壓力下,減少因向其他單位索取資料所產生之情緒與溝通上的摩擦壓力,讓員工更有效率、且愉快的完成評鑑資料的準備工作。換言之,此資料庫對於個案醫院在此次評鑑中能獲得「優等」,不無助益。
There are differences in accrediting method, content, and major theme between the new and old hospital accreditation standard in Taiwan. The new standard requires integrated information to explore the quality of a hospital that may need tremendous amount of communication between horizontal and vertical departments within an organization. In order to execute this enormous task efficiently and effectively, the case hospital used a database called 'document share' to provide a specific area for all the employees to access or exchange information for preparing the hospital accreditation. The immediate benefits were saving money on copying same paper document for employees to read, delivering documents faster then traditional paper documents, and accessing the accreditation documents without time and place restriction for each employee. Moreover, requesting information across department may cause emotional and communicational conflict between employees. Using document share, they can arrange needed document efficiently and happily under the high pressure of hospital accreditation. The subject hospital awarded an accreditation ranked as 'excellent' may also attribute to the 'document share in hospital's intranet' they used.
起訖頁 83-92
關鍵詞 醫院評鑑院內網路文件共享Hospital accreditationdocument share in hospital's intranet
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200712 (16:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 互通性醫療服務協同合作架構之研究--以腦中風病患之連續性照護為例




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