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The Wang Family of Qiantang’s Zhenqi Tang Poetry Group
作者 徐雁平
The Wang family moved from She County 歙縣 in Huizhou Prefecture 徽州 to Hangzhou Prefecture 杭州, the family’s mortgage business providing it with sufficient means to support the literary activities of its family members. The poetry group whose activities centered around the Zhenqi Tang 振綺堂 Library started with Wang Xian’s 汪憲 generation, and attained its high point at the time of Wang Yuansun 汪遠孫 and his brothers. At its core were several generations of the Wang family who were active in literature, some of whom were women, who from generation to generation were key members of different circles of poets. Around these core members there were the Wang family’s private teachers, many of whom had marriage ties to the Wang poets, and also other poets who were friendly with the Wang family. The courtyards and gardens of the Wang households provided central places for poets to gather and exchange poems. The Wang family literati grew up within this rich environment, taking part in poetry activities such as exchanging poems, writing poems in response to poems of the past, and composing antithetic couplets. The formation of the Wang family’s literary tradition was also nourished by visiting scholars. The Wang family literati particularly admired Li E 厲鶚 and adhered to the tenets of the Song style that Li himself advocated and represented. The Wang family’s literary activities contributed to the formation of a literary network based mainly around the “old families,” extending its influence in Hangzhou. Besides its many literary activities, under the Zhengqi Tang name, the Wang family also compiled and printed many books authored by family members, their teachers, friends and local worthies. This publishing enterprise lasted for several centuries, from the Qianlong乾隆 to the early Republican period, albeit occasionally interrupted by war.
起訖頁 261-293
關鍵詞 錢塘汪氏振綺堂家族文學詩人群清代文學The Wang family of QiantangZhenqi Tangclan literaturepoetry groupQing literature
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200912 (27:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 番租、田底與管事--康熙下淡水社文書所見的臺灣鄉村社會
該期刊-下一篇 漢學內部的「漢宋之爭」─從陳澧的「漢宋調和」看清代思想史上「漢宋之爭」的深層涵義




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