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醫療資訊雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Design of a hospital website based on customer relationship management
作者 蔡玉娟 (Yu-Chuan Tsai)曾智強
本研究設計並建置一個提昇顧客關係之醫療網站,期能達到醫療顧客關係管理之目的。所設計與建置之醫療網站,以顧客關係管理之三個階段為基礎:(1)醫療顧客關係獲取──包含個人化登入、會員關係行銷、差異化策略、顧客挽留策略與會員升級策略等五個功能;(2)醫療顧客關係增強──包含醫療專業知識、降低作業成本、常見問題分類、電子化交易以及藥品查詢等功能;(3)醫療顧客關係維持──包含由自動化 電子郵件、電腦與電話整合、醫療社群與線上查詢/更新等功能。本研究採用中央健康保險局所提供之全民健保學術研究資料庫進行實驗,並藉由IBM之Intelligent Miner進行資料庫分析,以獲得病患個人化資訊,提供所建置之醫療網站對病患進行顧客關係管理之三階段實作。本研究結果將可提供醫院與資訊業界發展以顧客關係管理為基礎之醫療網站的參考,提昇病患之醫療知識與品質,降低醫療浪費,提高醫院的競爭優勢。
The purpose of this paper is on designing and implementing a hospital website to improve the relationship between medical customers and hospitals. In order to reach the goal of improving medical customer relationship through the hospital website, our research is based on three phases of customer relationship management to develop and enable the hospital website functions. The three phases illustrated as follows. First, the medical customer relationship acquisition phase includes personalized login function, on sale function for insiders; function for strategic difference, function for retaining customer, function for promoting insiders; secondly, the medical customer relationship enhancement phase includes the function of medical knowledge, function for reducing operational cost, function for clustering of questions, function for e-trading, function for inquiring drugs; finally, the medical customer relationship retention phase includes the function of auto-email, integrated function of computer and telephone, function of on-line inquire, function of virtual community. On the other hand, in the implementation of hospital website, we analyze research database from Bureau of National Health Insurance. With the aid of data mining tool from IBM Intelligent Miner instrument, we obtain the medical customers' personalized information, which could be the reference for hospitals to maintain the relationship between hospitals and medical customers.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 醫療網站顧客關係管理顧客關係獲取顧客關係增強顧客關係維持hospital websitecustomer relationship managementcustomer relationship acquisitioncustomer relationship enhancementcustomer relationship retention
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200603 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-下一篇 以資料探勘技術建立病患就醫導引--以胃腸科病患為例




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