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The Cultural Politics in NISIKA WA MITURU's Literature Translation during the Post-martial Period
作者 王惠珍
The paper focuses on NISIKAWA MITURU (1908-1999), the cultural politics between literature and translation. His translation activities have always been controversial, because of his political identity and the theory of imperial literature in the field of Taiwan literature after the war. However, the rise of Taiwanese nationalism during the post-martial period, it emphasized the diversity of the origins of Taiwan's culture, therefore it let his work to be re-read and understanding by the “translation” path. The paper was based on NIKAWA MITURU's literary translation as the main topic of discussion, after his repatriation from Taiwan to Japan. And try to clarify the writing characteristics of NIKAWA MITURU in the Japanese Repatriate Literature after the war. Moreover, how Taiwanese translators choose his Taiwanese writing around the period of the end of Martial Law, the results can provide the structure of the subjectivity of Taiwan literature. To emphasize NIKAWA MITURU’s Native soil of literature, trying to reverse his stereotypical writer image before the war. These post-colonial translations, however, are not realist “native soil” native which the Taiwanese advocates, but rather “native soil” which is the author’s romantic homesickness. In the process of translation, the translator betrayed is not a departure from the semantic, but in response to cultural and political discourse required. “Native soil” is their greatest common denominator, and it is another important perspective for readers of the 1990s to re-read and understand NIKAWA MITURU’s literature.
起訖頁 79-109
關鍵詞 西川滿遣返者翻譯文化民族主義鄉土NISIKAWA MITURUrepatriatetranslationcultural nationalismnative soil
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201612 (29期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 普羅文藝批評的文化轉向--論吳坤煌對鄉土文學的批判與繼承
該期刊-下一篇 互相註解、補完的異語世界--論東山彰良《流》中的文化翻譯




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