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Applying Advanced Excel Techniques in Nursing
作者 侯宜菁張博論劉碩琦
本研究目的在於探討護理人員利用Excel之VBA(Visual Basic Application)進階技術,以「使用者自建系統」模式,解決自身護理資訊需求困境的機會與挑戰。研究針對實際由臨床護理人員以Excel VBA開發完成之三個專案系統,參考質性研究之方法與精神,主要以半結構式問卷引導訪談過程,整理實際開發程式之護理種子與其單位主管在Excel使用情形、系統開發過程、與系統開發經驗和感受。結果顯示有效之學習模式須有良好之技術指引者。專案目的主要在於改善既有工作效率。而最大收穫來自上級主管肯定與支持。技術支援是大家共同關心的課題,種子成員則期望獲得專門開發時間。研究中之護理主管皆可以快速了解Excel VBA進階技術之應用機會,而由種子設計出之系統不只界面客製化之外,亦達到符合需求的目標。成功的護理資訊專案,需同時考量簡易但功能強大的程式設計工具、清楚穩定的需求評估、持續的人才培訓和多方的支持團體。總結而言,Excel VBA之進階技術在護理資訊應用上有很高的潛力與價值。
The objective of this study was to examine the practical opportunities and challenges of using the advanced Excel VBA skills in resolving the unmet informatics need for nursing from the perspective of end user computing. Three information system projects, which were developed by clinical nurses using Excel VBA, were studied by the questionnaire based interview and word by word cording approaches which were designed based on the principles of qualitative study. The data and information of personal experiences and insights of clinical and head nurses during the process of developing the Excel-based projects were collected. The results show that the learning effectiveness highly relied on the availability and capability of technical tutors; the primary projects focused on improving the work performance; the most valuable rewards came from their superiors' recognition and support; continuous technical support was generally concerned of; and the nurse programmer expected they could reallocate more of their clinical service hours to develop the projects. We found the head nurses could quickly understand the opportunities of using Excel VBA in nursing. The systems developed by the nurses did not only have better customized interfaces but also better meet their own informatics' needs. The combination of the simplicity and powerfulness of a programming tool, the clear and stable system requirements, the assured availability of system developers and the supports from all related sources determines the success of nursing informatics projects. As a condusion, having the advanced Excel VBA skills is valuable in nursing.
起訖頁 73-84
關鍵詞 護理資訊使用者自建系統nursing informaticsExcel VBAend user computing
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200609 (15:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 以料理本體論為基礎之食品營養素成分分析系統




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