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小蝦米對大鯨魚:2009 年澎湖博弈公投反對與贊成動員形式的比較研究
David Versus Goliath: A Comparison on the Mobilization of Supporters and Opponents in the 2009 Penghu Casino Referendum
作者 蔡依倫 (I-Lun Tsai)
The enactment of Offshore Islands Development Act in January 2009 paved way for the tourist casino, which can be legalized with the positive result of a local referendum. In Penghu, where the casino dispute has lasted for nearly a decade, local people voted against the gaming industry in a referendum in September 2009. While local political elites are the proponent of tourist casino, the opponents are made up of civil-society organizations which vowed to protect hometown identity. This article researches the diverse patterns of mobilization between the two camps in the first casino referendum in Taiwan. In terms of resources, the pro-casino force outnumbered its rival. Moreover, my study reveals that local politics played an important role in affecting the referendum outcome as public participation was constrained in many ways.
起訖頁 79-117
關鍵詞 澎湖博弈公投社會運動公民投票動員政策公投Penghu Casino ReferendumSocial MovementReferendumMobilizationPolicy Referendum
刊名 思與言  
期數 201609 (54:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 不宜發展「博弈觀光特區」之論證與事實基礎
該期刊-下一篇 從社會變遷的角度論賭博罪之存廢




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