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The Intensive Care Experience: A Hopeless Person After Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surgery
作者 陳佳倩
The article described the nursing experience of a hepatocellular carcinoma patient who experienced physical and psychological trauma after liver resection. The nursing period lasted from Jan. 10th to Jan. 16th, 2014. By using Roche’s Adaptation Model as a theoretical framework for assessment, data were collected using direct care, observation, interviews, and physical assessment. The analysis of data identified health issues such as acute pain, risk of infection, sleep pattern disturbance, and hopelessness. During the nursing process, we established a trusting patient-nurse relationship through companionship and listening. Numerical rating scale was applied to encourage the patient to express level of pain, and in response appropriate care and pain mitigation techniques were provided. Cluster nursing activities were implemented with earbuds and blindfold to offer a comfortable environment and minimize external stimulation. Empathy was used to confront the depressive mood of the patient with positive energy, assisting the patient to overcome hopelessness, and cope with the alteration to lifestyle induced by the disease.
起訖頁 95-105
關鍵詞 肝癌急性疼痛無望感acute painhopelessnesshepatocellular carcinoma
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201706 (16:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 急診環境噪音改善專案
該期刊-下一篇 一位瓣膜置換術後病人成功脫離呼吸器之重症護理經驗




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