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Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Education System for Nursing Physical Examination
作者 黃衍文陳玉貞楊秀斐鄭佩蓉施靜怡顏燕君
Physical examination is one of the required classes in nursing. This course is designed to emphasize both theory and hand-on experiences. To let students thoroughly understand the course content, a teacher prefers to use multimedia to teach students the correct way of collecting a patient's medical data. However, current teaching materials on the market are mostly based on printed texts and have very limited benefits to student learning. With the rapid progress of computer and Internet, multimedia based education has become widely available. In addition to having all the advantages in traditional education, the computer and Internet based teaching scheme also offers flexibility in the time and location of a learning process. For example, a student can easily refresh his or her memory after class, as long as computer and Internet are available to the student. Furthermore, the multimedia teaching is a multi-dimensional learning environment. The interactive function of a multimedia tends to catch a student's attention and makes a learning process more efficient. This paper describes a multimedia based database for teaching physical examination. The scope of the database covers the breathing, circulation, neurotics, and abdomen systems. The course materials are stored into a database chapter by chapter. Pictures and videos can be presented through an Internet browser. A distance learning environment can be constructed through the implementation of the database, application, and video-stream servers. When a user is on-line, he or she can learn through the materials by following the sequence of the systems or can locate the materials of a particular subject from the database. There are also review questions in each chapter for self-evaluation. In this paper, we would like to share our experience in implementing a multimedia teaching environment through computer and Internet. This experience could be valuable for developing Internet courses in the fixture.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 身體評估多媒體教學系統網路線上學習影音串流伺服器Physical examinationmultimedia teaching systemonline learningvideo stream server
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200609 (15:3期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-下一篇 整合RFID的跨平台醫療知識管理系統




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