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Re-thinking Land Reform Policies in Late Qing Taiwan: The Significance and Policy-Making Process of “Cutting 40% and Retaining 60% of Large Rents”
作者 李文良
Liu Mingchuan 劉銘傳, the governor of Taiwan during the late Qing Dynasty, implemented a policy of“cutting 40% and retaining 60% of large rents,”recognizing the“large-rent holders paying taxes”in the latter phase of land reform. The above policies had long been regarded as retreating responses from the strong protests of the large rent holders. In retrospect, these changes violated the original idea of abolishing large rent holders, and eroded the achievements of land reform. From the construction of the policy-making process, the author has discovered that Liu Mingchuan did not intend to abolish large rent holders at all. Yet, those land reform policies did bring more advantages to the small rent holders. The validity of the traditional view, which emphasized the distortion of land reform policies under the pressure of large-rent holders, was thus challenged. This paper argues that Liu Mingchuan,s intention of enforcing the above policies upon the completion of land reform was to accommodate the difficulty of collecting taxes from small rent holders; that is, for the concerns of taxed-land administration and tax collection. The present evaluation of land reform policies such as“cutting 40% and retaining 60% of large rents”were inherited from the standpoints of land survey officials and their intention of abolishing large rent holders in the early Japanese colonial period. That was because such propaganda justified the Taiwan Governor-General's action in abolishing large rent holders, and promoted land reform in a positive manner.
起訖頁 387-416
關鍵詞 臺灣土地改革劉銘傳清賦事業減四留六一田兩主Taiwanland reformLiu Mingchuanland surveycutting 40% and retaining 60% of large-rentsmulti-layered ownership/two lords to a field
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚清重要官辦洋務學堂的中算教學──從上海廣方言館到京師同文館
該期刊-下一篇 《甲骨文合集》辨偽舉例




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