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以Web Services建構臨床文件架構(CDA)之電子病歷交換系統之研究
A study on web services based CDA for medical information exchange system
作者 林景嘉黃仁竑郭光明
本研究使用Web Services建構以臨床文件架構(Clinical Document Architecture, CDA)為標準的電子病歷交換系統。CDA文件提供了標準化醫療文件,並在醫療院所之間進行病歷交換,它使用XML清楚地定義了完整的醫療物件包含了文字、影像、聲音、以及其它多媒體的醫療紀錄資訊。本研究透過分散式物件的技術,使得電子病歷交換具有較高的延展力;導入Web Services的技術可使HTTP通訊協定於分散式架構中更具效能,改善既有醫療資訊環境封閉性架構的限制與缺點。
In this paper, we develop an electronic health record (EHR) exchange system based on HL7/CDA standard by using web services. The clinical document architecture (CDA) provides a medical document standard which be used for medical information exchange. The CDA adopts XML to clearly define complete medical objects which include texts, images, voices and other multimedia medical record information. In this research, we leverage the technology of distributed object to make EHR exchange system more general and extensive. We also introduce the technology of web services to make HTTP protocol more efficient in a distributed environment and improve the restriction and defect of current closed medical information system.
起訖頁 17-27
關鍵詞 電子病歷醫療資訊交換Web ServicesHL7 CIinical Document Architecture (CDA)Electronic Health Record (EHR)Medical Information Exchange
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200606 (15:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 決策樹於中西醫腦中風診斷指標結合之應用
該期刊-下一篇 建置呼吸系統疾病診斷關係群決策支援系統




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